Aleister crowley citações

1. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

2. "Every man and every woman is a star."

3. "Love is the law, love under will."

4. "I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning."

5. "The key of joy is disobedience."

6. "I am a man, and I hold that all men are my brothers."

7. "The joy of life consists in the exercise of one's energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience."

8. "The essence of independence has been to think and act according to standards from within, not without."

9. "The pious pretense that evil does not exist only makes it vague, enormous and menacing."

10. "I am alone. There is no God where I am."