Black mirror citações

1. "The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed." - William Gibson

2. "We're building a world where the powerful can control the weak, and the weak are held accountable for their own suffering." - Charlie Brooker

3. "Technology is a double-edged sword. It can bring us closer together or tear us apart." - Unknown

4. "In the age of information, ignorance is a choice." - Donny Miller

5. "The most dangerous thing about the digital age is the loss of privacy." - Unknown

6. "We are the creators of our own digital prisons." - Unknown

7. "The line between reality and virtual reality is becoming increasingly blurred." - Unknown

8. "The more connected we become, the more isolated we feel." - Unknown

9. "Technology is not inherently good or bad, it's how we choose to use it that determines its impact." - Unknown

10. "In a world where everything is connected, nothing is truly private." - Unknown