Black sails citações
1. "There are no legacies in this life. No monuments, no history. Just the water. It pays us and then it claims us. Swallows us whole." - Captain Flint
2. "They paint the world full of shadows and then tell their children to stay close to the light. Their light. Their reasons, their judgments. Because in the darkness, there be dragons. But it isn't true. We can prove that it isn't true. In the dark, there is discovery, there is possibility, there is freedom in the dark once someone has illuminated it." - Captain Flint
3. "I have a rendezvous with death. And so does he. He's the best friend I've ever had." - Charles Vane
4. "Men do not accept fate. They define it." - Captain Flint
5. "There are no clean getaways. Not with me." - John Silver
6. "The measure of a man is what he does when he has power." - Eleanor Guthrie
7. "The only way to rid oneself of temptation is to yield to it." - Jack Rackham
8. "The only way to escape the darkness is to embrace it." - Anne Bonny
9. "Every man has a price he will willingly accept, even for what he hopes never to sell." - Max
10. "We are men of action, lies do not become us." - Captain Flint