Citações bibliográficas sobre o consumo da água pelas empresas

1. Gleick, P.H. (1993). Water and Business. In: Water in Crisis: A Guide to the World's Fresh Water Resources. Oxford University Press.

2. Lant, P. (2008). Corporate Water Strategies. In: Water: Science, Policy, and Management. Wiley-Blackwell.

3. Pritchard, M. (2010). Water Management in Business: A Framework for Corporate Water Stewardship. Earthscan.

4. Garrick, D. (2017). Water Allocation and Use: Empirical Evidence from Businesses. In: Water Resources Management: Sustainability in an Era of Climate Change. Springer.

5. Russo, D. (2019). The Business Case for Water Stewardship. In: Water Stewardship for Sustainable Business. Routledge.