Citações bibliográficas sobre poluição sonora no meio ambiente
1. Berglund, B., Lindvall, T., & Schwela, D. H. (Eds.). (1999). Guidelines for community noise. World Health Organization.
2. Moudon, A. V. (2009). Urban morphology as an emerging interdisciplinary field. Urban morphology, 13(1), 3-10.
3. Kryter, K. D. (1985). The handbook of hearing and the effects of noise: physiology, psychology, and public health. Academic Press.
4. Babisch, W. (2002). The noise/stress concept, risk assessment and research needs. Noise & health, 4(16), 1.
5. Guski, R., Schreckenberg, D., & Schuemer, R. (2017). WHO environmental noise guidelines for the European region: a systematic review on environmental noise and annoyance. International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(12), 1539.