Citações bibliograficas sobre o crescimento do trafego
1. Banister, D., & Berechman, J. (2001). Transport investment and the promotion of economic growth. Journal of Transport Geography, 9(3), 209-218.
2. Button, K. J., & Nijkamp, P. (1997). Transport, regional development and public policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
3. Rodrigue, J. P., Comtois, C., & Slack, B. (2013). The geography of transport systems. Routledge.
4. Santos, G., & Rojey, L. (2004). Transport infrastructure and economic growth: A simultaneous equation approach. Transport Policy, 11(4), 319-328.
5. Vickerman, R. (2007). Transport and the economy. Journal of Transport Geography, 15(5), 291-292.