Citações bill evans
1. "Jazz is not just music, it's a way of life, it's a way of being, a way of thinking." - Bill Evans
2. "You can't explain jazz to anyone without losing the experience because it's feeling, not words." - Bill Evans
3. "The real innovators did their innovating by just being themselves." - Bill Evans
4. "There's a Japanese visual art in which the artist is forced to be spontaneous. He must paint on a thin stretched parchment with a special brush and black water paint in such a way that an unnatural or interrupted stroke will destroy the line or break through the parchment. Erasures or changes are impossible. These artists must practice a particular discipline, that of allowing the idea to express itself in communication with their hands in such a direct way that deliberation cannot interfere." - Bill Evans
5. "I believe in things that are developed through hard work. I always like people who have developed long and hard, especially through introspection and a lot of dedication. I think what they arrive at is usually a much deeper and more beautiful thing than the person who seems to have that ability and fluidity from the beginning." - Bill Evans