Citações da serie sex education

1. "Sex is like a nuclear bomb. It's powerful, it's dangerous, and it's better when you know what you're doing." - Otis Milburn

2. "You can't choose who you're attracted to, but you can choose what you do about it." - Maeve Wiley

3. "You can't help who you're attracted to, but you can help how you treat people." - Eric Effiong

4. "Sex is not a dirty secret. It's a natural, beautiful part of life." - Jean Milburn

5. "It's not about being normal, it's about being yourself." - Aimee Gibbs

6. "We're all just a bunch of weirdos trying to figure it out." - Adam Groff

7. "It's okay to be scared. It's okay to be unsure. It's okay to be you." - Lily Iglehart

8. "You don't have to have it all figured out. Just take it one step at a time." - Jackson Marchetti

9. "Love is messy, complicated, and sometimes painful. But it's also beautiful, exhilarating, and worth fighting for." - Maeve Wiley

10. "Don't let fear hold you back from exploring who you are and what you want." - Otis Milburn