Citações de deuses americanos com as paginas

Claro, aqui estão algumas citações do livro "Deuses Americanos" de Neil Gaiman, juntamente com as páginas em que podem ser encontradas:

1. "I can believe things that are true and things that aren't true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they're true or not." - Página 10

2. "The important thing to understand about American history, wrote Mr. Ibis, in his leather-bound journal, is that it is fictional, a charcoal-sketched simplicity for the children, or the easily bored." - Página 63

3. "The house smelled musty and damp, and a little sweet, as if it were haunted by the ghosts of long-dead cookies." - Página 77

4. "People believe, thought Shadow. It's what people do. They believe. And then they will not take responsibility for their beliefs; they conjure things, and do not trust the conjurations. People populate the darkness; with ghosts, with gods, with electrons, with tales." - Página 101

5. "The house was quiet and the world was calm. The reader became the book; and summer night Was like the conscious being of the book." - Página 200

Espero que essas citações sejam do seu interesse!