Citações de livros filmes musicas para tatuagem

1. "Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien, O Senhor dos Anéis

2. "Carpe Diem" - do filme Sociedade dos Poetas Mortos

3. "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." - Invictus, poema de William Ernest Henley

4. "This too shall pass." - Provérbio persa

5. "Love is all you need." - The Beatles, música "All You Need Is Love"

6. "To the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered." - Sarah J. Maas, Corte de Espinhos e Rosas

7. "I am the architect of my own destruction." - Rise Against, música "Architects"

8. "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr.

9. "We are all stories in the end." - Doctor Who

10. "What is dead may never die." - George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones