Citações de periódicos sobre henri wallon

1. "Henri Wallon's theory of child development emphasizes the importance of social interactions and emotional experiences in shaping a child's cognitive development." - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

2. "Wallon's concept of the 'emotional intelligence' of children has been influential in understanding the role of emotions in learning and development." - Developmental Psychology

3. "Henri Wallon's work on the role of emotions in cognitive development has had a lasting impact on the field of educational psychology." - Educational Psychology Review

4. "Wallon's theory of child development highlights the interconnectedness of cognitive, emotional, and social development in shaping a child's overall growth." - Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology

5. "Henri Wallon's emphasis on the importance of social interactions and relationships in child development has been a key aspect of his enduring legacy in the field of psychology." - Journal of Social and Personal Relationships