Citações de regis mckenna

1. "Marketing is everything, and everything is marketing."

2. "The best marketing doesn't feel like marketing."

3. "The customer's perception is your reality."

4. "In today's information age, the cost of marketing is not in the creation of the message, but in its distribution."

5. "The most powerful element in advertising is the truth."

6. "Marketing is not an event, but a process. It has a beginning, a middle, but never an end, for it is a process. You improve it, perfect it, change it, even pause it. But you never stop it completely."

7. "The future of brands is not in the hands of the brand managers, but in the hands of the customers."

8. "In a world of abundance, the only scarcity is human attention."

9. "The customer's voice is the most powerful voice in the room."

10. "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell."