Citações e referencias de stakeholderes
1. "Stakeholders are those individuals or groups who depend on the organization to fulfill their own goals and on whom, in turn, the organization depends." - Freeman, R. Edward. Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. 1984.
2. "Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest in the success and performance of an organization, and who can influence or be influenced by the organization's actions, objectives, and policies." - Clarkson, Max B.E. "A stakeholder framework for analyzing and evaluating corporate social performance." Academy of Management Review 20.1 (1995): 92-117.
3. "Stakeholders are the people and groups that can affect or be affected by the achievement of an organization's objectives." - Mitchell, Ronald K., Bradley R. Agle, and Donna J. Wood. "Toward a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: Defining the principle of who and what really counts." Academy of Management Review 22.4 (1997): 853-886.
4. "Stakeholders are those who have a stake in the organization, who are affected by the organization's actions and decisions, and who can influence the organization's success." - Freeman, R. Edward, et al. Stakeholder theory: The state of the art. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
5. "Stakeholders are the individuals, groups, or organizations that have a stake in the success of the organization and can influence or be influenced by the organization's actions and decisions." - Jones, Thomas M. "Instrumental stakeholder theory: A synthesis of ethics and economics." Academy of Management Review 20.2 (1995): 404-437.