Citações hora de aventura

1. "Suckin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at something." - Jake, Adventure Time

2. "Dude, sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something." - Jake, Adventure Time

3. "I should not have drunk that much tea!" - The Earl of Lemongrab, Adventure Time

4. "Homies help homies. Always." - Finn, Adventure Time

5. "Sometimes life is scary and dark. That is why we must find the light." - BMO, Adventure Time

6. "I am not cute. I am beyond cute." - Lumpy Space Princess, Adventure Time

7. "You don't need a mirror to know you look good. You're beautiful on the inside." - Finn, Adventure Time

8. "Dude, we're gonna be like, old people someday. And we're gonna be like, 'What happened?' And we're gonna be like, 'We were young, dude.'" - Finn, Adventure Time

9. "If you believe in yourself, you can do anything!" - Finn, Adventure Time

10. "I'm not a hero, I'm a sandwich." - Jake, Adventure Time