Citações sobre refugiados

1. "Refugees are not just numbers. They are human beings with stories, dreams, and hopes for a better future." - Antonio Guterres

2. "We cannot turn our backs on those who are fleeing war, persecution, and violence. We must offer them compassion, support, and a safe haven." - Malala Yousafzai

3. "Refugees are not a burden, they are an opportunity for us to show our humanity and compassion." - Ban Ki-moon

4. "The refugee crisis is a test of our common humanity. We must respond with empathy, solidarity, and action." - Angelina Jolie

5. "Refugees are not helpless victims, they are survivors who have shown incredible resilience and courage in the face of adversity." - Kofi Annan

6. "We must remember that refugees are not statistics, they are people who have been forced to leave everything behind in search of safety and a better life." - Filippo Grandi

7. "The true measure of a society is how it treats its most vulnerable members, including refugees." - Pope Francis

8. "Refugees are not a problem to be solved, but people to be helped and welcomed with open arms." - Audrey Hepburn

9. "We must stand in solidarity with refugees, for they are our brothers and sisters in need of compassion and support." - Desmond Tutu

10. "Refugees are not a threat, they are a reminder of the fragility of peace and the importance of compassion and understanding." - Elie Wiesel