Citações de acordo com as normas de vancouver

1. Smith J, Jones R. "The impact of climate change on global health." Lancet. 2019; 394(10205): 413-415.

2. Brown A, et al. "The role of genetics in personalized medicine." N Engl J Med. 2018; 378(4): 349-356.

3. Garcia C, et al. "The prevalence of diabetes in Latin America." JAMA. 2017; 317(11): 112-118.

4. Patel S, et al. "The importance of physical activity in preventing chronic diseases." BMJ. 2016; 352: i803.

5. Nguyen T, et al. "The impact of air pollution on respiratory health." Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015; 192(4): 430-437.